Thursday, March 15, 2007

Your Precious Time

Precious Time

How can you waste your precious time watching TV?
Don’t you know how unhealthy it is?

If you want to watch something really scary
Make a movie of people watching TV

Catch them at home and at the gym
And at the post office and at the bank

You can see the bland expressions
The glazed eyes seeing something but nothing

Brainwashing at it’s best
Psychologically designed

Idiotic programming
Where people learn to be rude to one another

Where talking heads tell you what to think
And documentaries play loose with the facts

They’ll analyze and totally disguise
All the news and reports and otherwise

You’re left thinking, what was that about?
Or worse, not thinking at all

Not thinking about the war
Not thinking about the devastation

No images of starving children
No images of bombed out homes

No images of poverty and homelessness
Mostly images of exploited blond women

Or the criminally insane, having run amuck
Who abuse our children with their theater pluck

Turn it off and renew your life
Read a book, kiss a friend, play a fife

Make a dinner with many courses
Gather your news from other sources

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