Saturday, March 17, 2007


Fifty Eight Thousand

Fifty eight thousand
Fifty eight thousand
Fifty eight thousand

It was fifty eight thousand
Young men and women
Who lost their lives in

Fifty eight thousand
Young, American
Men and women
Who died in Vietnam

And that’s not to mention
The tens of thousands
Maybe hundreds of thousands
Of injured and maimed who survived

And that’s not to mention
The millions, the millions
Of Vietnamese who died
Or were injured or maimed

And that’s not to mention
The MIA’s and the POW’s
Who were never heard from again
Other than their bones.

When people talk about the
War on Terror in Iraq
I just freeze up and say
We’ve been down this road before

I haven’t forgotten
Have you forgotten?
Fifty eight thousand later
And we demanded a stop to the slaughter

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