Monday, April 27, 2009

Hi friends. I was just perusing the newspaper and recent online reports about the current "swine flu epidemic". I thought you might be interested in this timeline.

Report Sounds Alarm Over Bioterror
by Joby Warrick, Washington Post, 11-30-08
Bipartisan Study Finds Insufficient Laboratory Safeguards, Loose Regulation

Dangerous pathogens may have vanished from Army lab
Bend (OR) Bulletin, April 23, 2009
(Attibuted to the Washington Post but not found on W. Post online)
(it costs $8 to look at Bend Bulletin online)

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Deseases in Frederick, Md., is under investigation by the Army’s Criminal Investigation Command for the possible disappearance of some of its stock of deadly pathogens, an Army spokesman said.
The Frederick News-Post reported Wednesday that since at least February, agents have been trying to discover what happened to pathogens that my have gone missing from 1987 to 2008….
The investigation seems to center around missing samples of Venezuelan equine encephalities, a mosquito-born virus which usually causes a mild flu-like ilness but can also cause brain inflammation and death…(emphasis added, "equine" as in horse)

Toxin Blamed in Death of 21 Polo Horses
Fox News, 4-20-09
WELLINGTON, Fla. - The sudden death of 21 polo horses in Florida may have been caused by a toxin that has yet to be identified by tests and could have been in the animals' feed, vitamins or supplements, veterinarians said Monday.
The horses from the Venezuelan-owned team Lechuza Caracas sickened just before a tournament Sunday, collapsing and dying on the scene or while being treated at vet clinics or transported, officials said…

Swine Flu outbreak in Mexico
BBC reports from Mexico, 4-27-09
Readers in the areas affected by the swine flu outbreak have been sending their accounts to the BBC since the first cases were reported.
The virus - which has so far claimed more than 100 lives in Mexico - has spread, with the first European case confirmed in Spain.
Governments around the world are attempting to prevent it spreading further, amid reports of further infections in the US and Canada…

CDC says too late to contain U.S. flu outbreak
Reuters, April 24 2009

Mexico says swine flu deaths now at 149
USA Today, 4-27-09

(Al Gore’s) Venture capital firm set to reap rewards on swine flu (along with Donald Rumsfeld)
Reuters, 4-26-09

No One Asked Questions

(attributed to the Washington Post, 2-19-02)
Scientists Recount U.S. Biodefense Labs' Security Lapses
By Joby Warrick, Washington Post Staff Writer
(UCLA Dept of Public Health)

Former Army scientist Richard Crosland kept scrupulous notes about the frozen crystals he kept in his lab, and for good reason: The crystals contained botulinum toxin, a biological poison so deadly a single gram could kill a million people.
For 11 years, Crosland carefully logged each shipment of toxin he received and accounted for every molecule, thinking somebody would want to know. But no one asked -- not once during his career as an Army biodefense researcher, and not when he left the job in 1997, hauling away boxes of personal effects that no one checked.
"No one asked questions," Crosland said of his time at U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), the Pentagon's top biodefense research center at Fort Detrick, Md. "You could literally walk out with anything."…cont.
"It blew me away," said one microbiologist who worked at the lab in the 1980s and early 1990s. "I could have lifted vials of anything and they never would have been missed. There was nothing to stop me."…
But, according to former USAMRIID scientists, until recently lab workers could have walked away with live microbes without being challenged. In interviews, the scientists said the lab failed to exercise stringent inventory controls over the pathogens and toxins used by scientists -- a practice that would be considered standard at private labs working with less dangerous material, they said…
Scientists were working "covertly" on unauthorized projects, technicians were being asked to come in on weekends for off-the-books assignments and "quite a bit of stuff was unaccounted for," Lt. Col. Michael Langford is quoted as telling investigators in a transcribed interview…

U.S. Responding as if Swine Flu will be Pandemic (!) (Emphasis added)
Associated Press, 4-27-09
WASHINGTON – Confirming at least 40 cases of swine flu in the U.S., the Obama administration said Monday it was responding aggressively as if the outbreak would spread into a full pandemic. Officials urged Americans against most travel to Mexico as the virus that began there spread to the United States and beyond. President Barack Obama urged calm, saying there was reason for concern but not yet "a cause for alarm."

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Fifty Eight Thousand

Fifty eight thousand
Fifty eight thousand
Fifty eight thousand

It was fifty eight thousand
Young men and women
Who lost their lives in

Fifty eight thousand
Young, American
Men and women
Who died in Vietnam

And that’s not to mention
The tens of thousands
Maybe hundreds of thousands
Of injured and maimed who survived

And that’s not to mention
The millions, the millions
Of Vietnamese who died
Or were injured or maimed

And that’s not to mention
The MIA’s and the POW’s
Who were never heard from again
Other than their bones.

When people talk about the
War on Terror in Iraq
I just freeze up and say
We’ve been down this road before

I haven’t forgotten
Have you forgotten?
Fifty eight thousand later
And we demanded a stop to the slaughter

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Your Precious Time

Precious Time

How can you waste your precious time watching TV?
Don’t you know how unhealthy it is?

If you want to watch something really scary
Make a movie of people watching TV

Catch them at home and at the gym
And at the post office and at the bank

You can see the bland expressions
The glazed eyes seeing something but nothing

Brainwashing at it’s best
Psychologically designed

Idiotic programming
Where people learn to be rude to one another

Where talking heads tell you what to think
And documentaries play loose with the facts

They’ll analyze and totally disguise
All the news and reports and otherwise

You’re left thinking, what was that about?
Or worse, not thinking at all

Not thinking about the war
Not thinking about the devastation

No images of starving children
No images of bombed out homes

No images of poverty and homelessness
Mostly images of exploited blond women

Or the criminally insane, having run amuck
Who abuse our children with their theater pluck

Turn it off and renew your life
Read a book, kiss a friend, play a fife

Make a dinner with many courses
Gather your news from other sources

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A New World Order

The New World Order

The New World Order
Does it exist or is it a figment of my imagination
We don’t have to call it the New World Order
We can call it the newest order of the world
The newest attempt to turn chaos into order

Or, debatably, to turn order into chaos

New start
New Testament
New thing
New town
New ways
New word
New wrinkle

The New Way Forward

President Bush’s "new way forward"
As opposed to the phrase the other group,
The one designed by James Baker
Came up with, the more simplistic
And fresh and meaningful, "the new way"

The new way
The new way forward
The new way forward to do what?

To surge? To surge towards the insurgents
Mass surging to kill or capture insurgents
That is, those who are surging
We will also surge to kill those insurgents
who surge

I think I’ve got it. I think I understand.
I’m trying to conceptualize here.

I’m picturing a man, a simple man
Walking into a swamp - slogging actually -
Slogging through a swamp and stumbling into
Quicksand, a quagmire, slogging through a
And saying, "I must go forward, forward into
the quicksand

"I know! I’ll find a New Way Forward!"

Which brings me back to my original question
Is there such a thing as a New World Order?
Another agenda behind the scenes
One that lays out the present scenario
That we’re witnessing in the world

One that makes sense
One that provides some explanation for the
Entirely insane policies we see being presented
On the news, the TV news and in the written news
Something that would – or could – possibly explain
the insanity
Of actually slogging forward into quicksand

Only another agenda, a secret agenda,
A secret new agenda such as
A Project for a New American Century, or
PNAC for short
Would – or could – possibly explain, what on the
surface appears to be pure insanity

What are the motivations for such insanity
Money, power, profiteering, corporate greed
Wealthy people sitting in secret rooms behind
closed doors
Making secret decisions, secretly. Moving the
chess pieces
Deciding the most profitable move for the
New World Order

Perhaps not.
Perhaps we just have unbelievably stupid people
In our most powerful positions in government
Making unbelievably stupid decisions and putting
our young, American men and women
Through the meat grinder of a senseless war

Personally, I don’t think they’re stupid
I think they are doing one thing and one thing only
Following the money. The money leads to power
The power leads to money, which leads to more power
and more money
All they need is a plan, an agenda
A Project for a New American Century
A profit sharing plan, A New World Order